清瘦洒脱,爱笑的脸上透着山东人特有的质朴与憨厚,这就是中外合资金曼克电气集团销售有限公司总经理、十四期黄埔同学张汉亭之子张新给记者的第一印象,然而与他一接触,就能感受到他的精明,他的智慧与才干。报国之志 1978年聪明伶俐的张新从条件极差的乡村学校脱颖而出,考入大连海运学院计算机专业。当时,计算机还不普及,许多人连它干什么都搞不
Thin, free and easy, the face of love and laugh Shandong people unique rustic and simple and honest, this is the joint venture Jin Manke Electric Group Sales Co., Ltd. General Manager, Zhang Whampoa students fourteen Zhang Xin Ting’s son Zhang first impression to reporters, however In touch with him, you can feel his shrewdness, his wisdom and talent. Patriotic ambition In 1978, Zhang Xin bright and clear from the very poor conditions of rural schools come to the fore, admitted to Dalian Maritime University computer professional. At that time, computers were not yet widely available, and many even did not do it