
来源 :中国人民解放军军医进修学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:drgsdrgs
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消炎痛是常用的抗风湿药物之一。服普通消炎痛者约35~50%出现不良反应,20%被迫停药,其中胃肠道反应尤为明显。为保留药物效能,减少副作用,我院药物药理研究室研制了消炎痛缓释剂(SRI),自1985年以来在我科经临床观察,结果如下。类风湿性关节炎19例,强直性脊柱炎17例,骨关节炎3例,Reiter’s综合征3例及牛皮癣关节炎1例,共43例,按SRI治疗剂量不同,分为三组进行观察,计150mg,1/日,22例;75mg,2/日,18 Indomethacin is one of the commonly used anti-rheumatic drugs. General indomethacin about 35 ~ 50% of adverse reactions, 20% were forced to stop the drug, in which the gastrointestinal reaction is particularly evident. In order to retain the efficacy of drugs, reduce side effects, our hospital pharmacology laboratory developed indomethacin sustained-release agent (SRI), since 1985, our clinical observation, the results are as follows. 19 cases of rheumatoid arthritis, 17 cases of ankylosing spondylitis, 3 cases of osteoarthritis, 3 cases of Reiter’s syndrome and 1 case of psoriatic arthritis, a total of 43 cases, according to the different doses of SRI treatment were divided into three groups observed, Calculated 150mg, 1 / day, 22 cases; 75mg, 2 / day,