由美国权威汽车杂志Automotive News(汽车新闻)主办的“年度最佳概念车奖”日前揭晓,本次评比共设最佳概念车、最佳内饰设计、最佳外形设计、最佳环保车四个奖项,参赛“选手”均为亮相于2001年法兰克福、巴黎、日内瓦、底特律及东京5大国际车展中的概念车。来自日本、美国及欧洲的设计师及记者担任了此次比赛的评委,最后沃尔沃Safety(安全)概念车、雷诺Talisman、克莱斯勒Crossfire及铃木Covie分别摘取了以上四个奖项的桂冠。
The “Best Concept Car of the Year” sponsored by Automotive News (Automotive News), the authoritative automotive magazine in the US, announced recently that the best concept car, the best interior design, the best shape design, the best eco-car IV The awards and participation of “Players” were all unveiled at the concept car of the 2001 International Motor Show in Frankfurt, Paris, Geneva, Detroit and Tokyo. Designers and reporters from Japan, the United States and Europe served as judges for the competition. Finally, the Volvo Safety concept car, Renault Talisman, Chrysler Crossfire and Suzuki Covie won titles of the above four awards respectively.