此文介绍应用数字滤波器来减少由于截取一个有限带宽的模拟信号所产生的量化噪声。由于 A/D 变换器的有限位数(10位),故取样是以适应于现有的 A/D 变换器的方式来量化的。本文特别重视借助于零极点图来设计数字滤波器。这些数字滤波器的效用是通过信噪比和功率谱的比较来检验的。
This article describes the application of digital filters to reduce quantization noise due to the interception of a finite bandwidth analog signal. Due to the finite number of bits (10 bits) of the A / D converter, sampling is quantified in a way that is compatible with existing A / D converters. This article pays special attention to the design of digital filters with the help of pole-zero plots. The utility of these digital filters is verified by a comparison of signal-noise ratio and power spectrum.