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鉴于水分循环和海冰过程是气候变化研究中两个比较薄弱的环节,而在以往的一些气候模式中往往简化甚至忽略了其中之一,给气候变化的研究带来了一定的不确定性。因此本文设计了一个包含详细水分循环和海冰物理过程的二维气候模式,在模拟出极地海冰面积和季节循环基础上,详细研究了存在大气、海洋、海冰以及水份循环中的各种气候因素对海冰季节循环的影响,得到了一些比较有意义的结论:(1)当大气中感热和潜热输送加强时,海冰面积减小,反之则增大。结合海冰面积增大有助于向极热量输送加强的结论,我们认为在北极地区存在着一种维持大气—海洋—极冰系统平衡的负反馈机制,即海冰面积增大,导致向极热量输送的增加,而向极热量输送的增加又有助于海冰面积的缩小。(2)当地表向大气输送的感热和潜热增大时,海冰的面积将增大,反之则减小。这一结论与海冰的隔热效应联系在一起,我们推测在冰线附近可能存在着一种周而复始,互为因果的时间自组织现象,即LE,HS↑→海冰面积于↑→LE、HS↓→海冰面积↓→LE、HS↑。通过这种时间自组织行为,海冰面积在一定程度上可以实现自我调节。(3)当边界层的垂直湍流交换系数减小时,海冰季节循环的振幅增大,即冬季海冰面积增大,夏季海冰面积减小;反之当边 In view of the fact that the water cycle and the sea ice process are the two weaker links in the study of climate change, one of them has often been simplified or even ignored in some previous climate models, which brings some uncertainties to the study of climate change. Therefore, this paper designed a two-dimensional climate model that includes detailed water cycle and sea ice physical process. Based on the simulation of the polar ice sea area and seasonal cycle, this paper studied in detail the existence of the atmospheric, ocean, sea ice and water cycle The influence of climate factors on the seasonal circulation of sea ice has obtained some meaningful conclusions: (1) When the sensible heat and latent heat are enhanced in the atmosphere, the sea ice area decreases, and vice versa. Combined with the fact that the increase of sea ice contributes to the enhancement of extreme heat transport, we think there is a negative feedback mechanism in the Arctic that maintains the balance of the atmosphere-ocean-polar ice system, The increase of heat transfer, while the increase of extreme heat transfer contributes to the reduction of sea ice area. (2) As the sensible heat and latent heat from the local surface to the atmosphere increase, the area of ​​sea ice will increase, and vice versa. This conclusion is related to the thermal insulation effect of sea ice. We speculate that there may exist a time-dependent and causal time-self-organization phenomenon near the iceline, that is, LE, HS ↑ → sea ice area at ↑ → LE, HS ↓ → sea ice area ↓ → LE, HS ↑. Through this time self-organizing behavior, sea ice area can be self-regulating to some extent. (3) When the vertical turbulent exchange coefficient of the boundary layer decreases, the amplitude of the sea ice seasonal cycle increases, that is, the area of ​​the sea ice in winter increases and the sea ice area decreases in summer. On the contrary,
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