
来源 :浙江省人民政府公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ken331
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浙政办发[2014]25号各市、县(市、区)人民政府,省政府直属各单位:多年来,各地、各有关部门认真贯彻《中华人民共和国土地管理法》,努力开发耕地后备资源,加大垦造耕地力度,实现了全省耕地总量动态平衡。但由于我省耕地后备资源匮乏、分布不均衡,一些重大建设项目因耕地占补平衡难以落实,影响了建设用地报批,省统筹补充耕地指标落实难和异地调剂补充耕地指标价格无序、过快上涨等问题日益突出。为切实加强耕地占补平衡管理,经省政府同意,现将有关事项通知如下:一、强化耕地占补平衡法定责任各级政府是确保本行政区域内耕地总量不减少的责任主体,政府主要领导是耕地 For years, all localities and departments concerned conscientiously implemented the Land Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China and worked hard to develop reserve resources for cultivated land , Increase reclamation of arable land, to achieve the province’s total arable land dynamic balance. However, due to the lack of cultivated reserve resources in our province, the unbalanced distribution of some major construction projects due to the balance of arable land, affecting the approval of construction land, the provincial implementation of integrated arable land index is difficult to implement and remote adjustment of arable land price index disorder, too fast Rising and other issues have become increasingly prominent. In order to effectively strengthen balanced management of arable land occupation and compensation, with the consent of the provincial government, the relevant matters are hereby notified as follows: I. Strengthening Responsibility of Cultivated Land to Make up the Weak Balance Statutory responsibility of all levels of government is to ensure that the total cultivated land within its own administrative area is not subject to responsibility. Leadership is arable land
浆细胞白血病(Plasma cell leukemia,PCL)由Foa于1904年首次报道,是一种非常少见的特殊类型白血病,其特征为异常浆细胞恶性增生,广泛浸润组织和脏器,并在外周血中大量出现。当外周血
<正> 引言土地的沙漠化也许是人类文明进程所付出的最沉重代价。我国北方干旱地区是一个巨大的潜在“沙漠化温床”,巳沙化土地达3.34&#215;
<正> 旱地作物生态工程是运用生态学和系统科学的原理和方法而设计和组建的旱地作物生产工艺体系。它把作物及其环境作为一个系统,统筹兼顾,相互协调,全面安排,综合利用。其
<正> 一、引言在前所未有的人口激增与经济发展的冲击下,中国的生态环境正经历着巨大的变化。西