1 基本概况丹江口水库南阳流域区位于河南省西南部,地处秦岭支脉伏牛山南麓,自西北向东南倾斜延伸。流域区内自然资源比较丰富,气候适宜,雨量充沛,多年平均降雨量为800mm,年平均气温15.8℃,年平均日照时数2050h,无霜期228d,地势北高南低,起伏较大,海拔最高2212.5m,河流均自北向南流向丹江口水库,河道落差大,水流湍急,水力资源比较丰富。出露地表岩性主要有石灰岩、片麻岩、砂岩、页岩,并有花岗岩和基性岩脉分布。土壤以黄粘土、黄棕壤土居多,主要分布于丹江和老灌河两岸,土质肥沃,比较适合作物生长,大部分区域土地脊薄,地表覆盖差,生态环境脆弱,极易造成水土流失。
1 Basic profile Danjiangkou Reservoir Nanyang drainage area is located in southwestern Henan Province, is located in the southern foot of Funiu Mountain, Qinling Branch, extending from northwest to southeast. The basin is rich in natural resources, suitable climate, abundant rainfall, annual average rainfall of 800mm, the annual average temperature of 15.8 ℃, the average annual sunshine hours 2050h, frost-free period 228d, terrain north high south, ups and downs, the highest elevation of 2212.5 m, the rivers flow from north to south to Danjiangkou Reservoir, the river has a big gap and the water current is turbulent, and the water resources are abundant. Exposed to the surface lithology are mainly limestone, gneiss, sandstone, shale, and granite and basic dikes distribution. The soil is mostly yellow clay and yellow brown soil, which are mainly distributed on both sides of Danjiang River and Laosheng River. The soil is fertile and suitable for crop growth. The land in most areas is ridges, with poor land cover and fragile ecological environment, which can easily cause soil erosion.