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目前正值小麦收获期,夏玉米的种植工作也随即开展,而高温多雨季节的到来有利于田间杂草生长,一旦错过防治适宜期,极易形成草害,严重影响玉米品质及产量。根据调查总结发现,玉米田田间杂草发生为害越来越重,某些杂草同时产生了抗性,单一除草剂已不能抑制玉米田杂草。一般造成减产10%~20%,严重的减产30%~50%。为确保玉米丰收,我们特提出玉米田杂草解决方案。精细整地。春玉米播前结合耕耙除草,麦茬夏玉米田用旋 At the moment when the wheat is harvested, the planting of summer maize is also carried out immediately. However, the arrival of hot and rainy seasons is conducive to the growth of weeds in the field. Once the suitable period of prevention and control is missed, grass weeds are easily formed and the quality and yield of maize are seriously affected. According to the survey concluded that weeds in the field of corn fields more and more serious damage, some weeds also have resistance, a single herbicide can no longer inhibit weeds in corn fields. General cut 10% to 20%, a serious cut 30% to 50%. In order to ensure a good harvest of corn, we propose a cornfield weed solution. Fine preparation Spring corn sowing before weeding rake, wheat stubble corn field with spin
今年春节,贾樟柯拍摄的短片《一个桶》火了。5分多钟的短片中,小镇青年回到村庄,和母亲欢度春节。离别之时,母亲给青年带上一个用胶带七缠八绕的塑料桶。  “外面的东西能有家里的好哇?”面对母亲的坚持,青年终于“败下阵来”,抱着这只桶一路辗转,回到城市中。  安顿下来后,他拆开这只桶,里面竟是颗颗鸡蛋,每颗都写着日期,还画着笑脸,意在提醒他每天吃一个。  又到离家时,想必这样的故事,正在无数个角落上演。