毛叶枣是一种对缺镁胁迫比较敏感的热带果树 ,其缺镁症常发生于酸性砂质土壤。当叶片镁含量低于 0 .40 %时 ,毛叶枣即表现出明显的缺镁症状 ,叶片从叶脉间开始黄化 ,呈斑点状失绿 ,但主脉附近组织仍维持绿色 ,严重缺乏时 ,整个叶片除主脉外其余均呈黄白色 ,果实产量和品质下降。黄化症状一般以下位叶和中位叶出现居多。通过土施硫酸镁或根外追肥 ,可有效抑制和减轻毛叶枣缺镁症的发生
Jujube is a tropical fruit tree sensitive to magnesium deficiency stress, magnesium deficiency often occurs in acidic sandy soil. When leaves magnesium content is less than 0.40%, the leaves of jujube showed obvious symptoms of magnesium deficiency, the leaves began to yellow between the veins, spotted green, but the main vein tissue remains green, a serious lack of time , The whole leaves in addition to the main pulse are the remaining yellow and white, fruit yield and quality decline. The symptoms of yellow below the median leaves and leaves appear mostly. By soil magnesium sulfate or root top dressing, can effectively inhibit and reduce the occurrence of Magnesium leaves jujube disease