Every time I finish a lesson, I always ask: “Students, is there any problem?” Hear the students to reply in unison: “I am proud, I feel this section The lesson is very successful. One day I saw a story: After the children of Israel came to school, their parents asked the first sentence: ”Asked the teacher today a few questions? Asked the teacher yet?“ And Chinese children after school, parents asked The first sentence is: ”Did the assignment finish? Are there any problems?" The different question consciousness determines the growth of children in Israel and China. Israel, which is now surrounded by Arab countries, can still be said to be very strong. It is inseparable from their educational awareness. I realized I was wrong. Children start talking, there are problems, a variety of problems. By elementary school, there have been fewer problems, fewer secondary schools, and almost no problems at university. This is a real case: an educator and researcher selected a preschool in Beijing, a sixth grade primary school, and a third year high school. He put a little chalk on the blackboard and asked what it is