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钢铁生产是国民經济中的最重要的工业部门。保护鋼铁工人健康,是卫生工作的重要任务,就目前看来,一氧化碳中毒是鋼铁生产中重要的劳动卫生问题之一,特别是小高爐生产尤为严重。为保証鋼铁生产任务的順利完成,加强一氧化碳中毒的防治特别重要。一、一般情况一氧化碳为无色无臭无刺激性的气体,比重为0.967%,凡含碳物質不完全燃燒时即可产生一氧化碳。在通常所見的烟內約含3%,炼焦煤气約含79%, Steel production is the most important industrial sector in the national economy. Protecting the health of steel workers is an important task for health work. For now, carbon monoxide poisoning is one of the important labor and health problems in steel production. In particular, the production of small blast furnaces is particularly serious. In order to ensure the smooth completion of the task of steel production, to strengthen the prevention and treatment of carbon monoxide poisoning is particularly important. First, the general situation of carbon monoxide is colorless, odorless and non-irritating gas, the proportion of 0.967%, where carbon-containing substances can not be completely burned to produce carbon monoxide. About 3% of smoke is commonly seen, about 79% of coking gas,