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苹果育果袋纸是由中国制浆造纸工业研究院在国内首家开发研制的。育果袋纸工艺技术先进,由于选用适宜的原辅料和助剂,解决了育果袋纸应具备的抗张干湿强度、疏水性、透气性等关键问题,主要技术指标达到同类产品的领先水平。目前该产品吨纸效益可达2000元以上。实践证明,育果袋纸明显提高了苹果的果品质量,具有增进果实着色,提高果实光洁度,防治病虫害和降低农药 Apple fruit bag paper by the China Pulp and Paper Industry Research Institute first developed in China. Fruit bag technology is advanced, due to the selection of appropriate raw materials and auxiliaries, to solve the sterile bag should have anti-wet tensile strength, hydrophobicity, permeability and other key issues, the main technical indicators to achieve the leading products of its kind Level. At present, the benefits of tons of paper products up to 2,000 yuan. Practice has proved that the fruit bag significantly improves apple fruit quality, with the promotion of fruit coloring, improve the fruit finish, pest control and reduce pesticides
防治韭菜根蛆要坚持经常,抓住为害盛期,实行综合防治。 1.不施未腐熟的有机肥,不泼浇未发酵的人粪尿,开沟施肥,施后覆土。 2、清除田问枯枝烂叶及杂草,扒土晒根,恶化韭蛆发
开车族在长期驾驶过程中,身体易受到震动、噪声、汽车内空气污染及强制的不良体位等有害因素的影响,如不加以注意,则可能诱发多种职业病。    嗓声性耳聋    部分机动车驾驶室内噪声强度超过规定标准,驾驶此类车的司机多在开车之后出现听力下降,若不开车,听力又逐渐恢复。但如长期驾驶,反复接触超强度噪声,则会造成听力明显损害,导致双侧不可逆性耳聋。    震动病    机动车在发动、行驶时,都在不停地震动
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水痘,也许你会觉得它既熟悉又陌生;至于水痘疫苗,更多的也许是疑惑——水痘好像不是什么严重的疾病吧?有必要接种水痘疫苗吗?接种疫苗就一定不会得水痘吗?什么时候接种好? C