由上海市质协、市总工会、团市委和市妇联主办,上海城建(集团)公司协办的2009年上海市“上海城建杯”QC小组成果擂台赛,经过整整3天紧张而又激烈的比赛,于6月23日闭幕。擂台赛传出好消息:在全市电力、建筑、钢铁、交通等近百个行业的43.58万名员工中,有超过四分之一的员工参加了QC(质量管理)小组活动,全年共取得成果1 0677个,直接经济效益达到1 1.6亿元。作为一项群众性的质量
The 2009 Shanghai Urban Construction Cup QC Team Results Challenge Cup sponsored by the Shanghai Association for Quality Assurance, the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Women’s Federation, and Shanghai Urban Construction (Group) Co., Ltd, after three days intense and intense The competition ended on June 23. In the Challenge, there were good news: over a quarter of the 435,800 employees in nearly 100 industries, including power, construction, steel and transportation, took part in the QC (Quality Management) group activities and obtained a total of The number of achievements reached 1 0677, with a direct economic benefit of 116 million yuan. As a mass of mass