在凛冽的寒风中封存过漫长的冬天,树洞里的仓储见了底,身上的脂肪也消耗殆尽,新生代们也操练得差不多了。春天是觅食的季节。老虎摇头晃脑地要下山,狮子要养家,金雕要糊口,巨鲸也要吞进吐出地填饱肚子——是动物就要营生捕食。 在新联赛玩法的不安与足球宝贝搔首弄姿的撩拨下,甲A的春天也如期而至。呆在甲A,不进球肚子就要咕咕地叫了——是踢足球就要射门得分。混迹于森林河川的形形色色的捕食者,其安身立命之道在于手段不同的猎食方式;而作为能够射门
Stored in the biting cold wind for a long winter, the storage in the tree hole saw the end, the body fat is exhausted, the Cenozoic who are practicing almost. Spring is the season for feeding. Tigers shaking their heads to go downhill, the lion to support the family, golden eagles to life, whales have swallowed to fill the stomach to spit - is the animal must survive prey. In the new league playfulness and football baby teasing tease, A’s spring is on schedule. Stay in A, do not score the stomach to be cuckoo called - is to play football will shoot the score. All kinds of predators who are mixed in the forest and rivers are settled by the means of hunting which are different from each other.