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“这孩子太可怜了,没办法结婚生子,甚至无法预知未来,她的前途基本上算完了。”苏平提起28岁的女儿,总是止不住唉声叹气。这位曾经担任过宾馆经理的男人,感觉到眼前的生活简直是一团糟。两年多以前的一场事故,让原本生活困窘的苏家雪上加霜:在安徽省阜阳市一家超市工作的女儿苏梅,回家途中不慎跌入下水道检查口,从此求医不止。后经鉴定,苏梅患上了精神分裂症,进而引发了高达200余万元金额的天价索赔。这是一场旷日持久的官司,历时一年八个月,历经六次司法鉴定、四次先予执行、两次缓交诉讼费。2008年4月,阜阳市颍东区人民法院对该案作出一审判决,苏梅获赔13万余元。当地法律界人士指出,苏梅一案凸显,越来越健全的法律更加注重以人为本,维护社会公平正义。同时,此案也给城市公共服务部门敲响警钟,只有在工作中做到不缺位,才能最大限度避免类似悲剧发生。 “This child is too poor, no way to marry and have children, or even unpredictable future, her future is basically finished. ” Su Ping 28-year-old daughter, always sighs. The man who once served as guesthouse manager felt the immediate life was a mess. An accident more than two years ago, so that the original life embarrassed Su even worse: working in a supermarket in Fuyang City, Anhui Province, daughter of Samui, home accidentally fell into the sewer mouth, since then seek medical advice. After identification, Samui suffering from schizophrenia, which led to the amount of up to 200 million yuan astronomical claims. This is a protracted lawsuit, which lasted eight months a year, after six judicial appraisals, four times to implement the first, twice deferred litigation costs. April 2008, Fuyang City Yingdong District People’s Court made the first instance verdict on the case, Samui paid more than 130,000 yuan. Local legal professionals pointed out that the case of Samui highlights that more and more sound laws pay more attention to people-oriented and uphold social fairness and justice. At the same time, the case also sounded a wake-up call to the urban public service department. Only when there is no shortage of jobs in the workforce can similar similar tragedies be avoided.
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[原文] 予尝论书①,以谓钟、王②之迹,萧散简远,妙在笔画之外。至唐,颜、柳③集古今笔法而尽发之,极书之变,天下翕然④以为宗师,而钟、王之法益微。 [Original] To taste t
一、试剂、药品使用规则1.开启易挥发液体试剂的瓶塞时,瓶口不能对着眼睛,以免瓶内蒸气喷出造成伤害. 2.使用危险药品要特别谨慎小心,严守操作规程,遵从教师指导.实验后的残
一、现实参与法的概念和涵义现实参与法是指在中学历史教学过程中联系与本学科相关的现实素材开展教学 ,从而揭示现实生活中所包含的历史规律、培养学生对历史资源的发现、认
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1,3-丁二烯是石油裂解气的一种重要组成物质,在工业生产上占有举足轻重的地位.用1,3-丁二烯可以合成众多的有机产品. 一、双烯成环反应的应用例1 (2004年江苏高考化学试题第