大棚生姜早熟栽培,可增加春季蔬菜花色品种,是广大蔬菜种植户致富的新途径。现将其栽培技术简介如下: 一、选种催芽及管理 早熟鲜姜栽培应选择植株较矮、节间短缩、外观美、纤维少、肉质致密、品质优的密苗型地方品种。种姜应为肥大、形状扁平、节间短、有光泽、未干缩、未受冻、无伤痕、无病虫害的姜块。在种姜催芽前,选晴好天气晒种,晒姜种要适度,当姜肉变干、发白,稍有皱纹时即可停止晾晒。
Early cultivation of ginger in greenhouses can increase varieties of spring vegetables and flowers, is the majority of vegetable growers a new way to get rich. Now its cultivation techniques are as follows: First, the selection of germination and management of early ginger cultivation should choose shorter plant, internode shortening, the appearance of the United States, less fiber, compact, high quality seedling-type local varieties. Ginger should be hypertrophy, flat shape, internodes short, shiny, not shrinkage, not frozen, no scars, no pests and diseases of ginger. In the pre-germination of ginger, the selection of sunny weather sun, sun ginger species should be moderate, when the ginger dry, white, a little wrinkles to stop drying.