今年4月,笔者作为两年一度的中菲文化交流协定的中方交流学者,应菲律宾社会科学理事会(PSSC)的邀请,前往马尼拉进行了为时一个月的学术访问。在菲期间,笔者受到了菲政府部门、学术机构、高等院校、华侨及工商界人士的热情友好接待,亲身感受到中菲两国之间渊远流长的友情。菲律宾人民的纯朴善良给我留下了美好的印象。 一、夜抵马尼拉 只身飞往陌生的异国,对我来说虽已不是什么新鲜事,但这次马尼拉之行,却使我感到特别陌生,甚至有些不安。在人们的印象中,菲律宾近几年政局动荡,经济停滞,治安恶化,加上不时有地震和火山喷发,仿佛是一个天灾人祸层出不穷的地方。那么,此时此刻的马尼拉,究竟会是什么样的情况呢?
In April this year, as the biennial agreement on cultural exchange between China and the Philippines, the Chinese exchange scholars conducted a one-month academic visit to Manila at the invitation of the Philippine Council of Social Sciences (PSSC). During the Philippine period, the author received warm and cordial receptions by Philippine government departments, academic institutions, institutions of higher learning, overseas Chinese and business people, and personally experienced the long-standing friendship between China and the Philippines. The simple kindness of the Filipino people left a good impression on me. First, the night’s flight to Manila strange foreign strangers, although nothing new to me, but the trip to Manila, but I feel very strange and even some uneasy. In the people’s minds, the political turmoil, stagnation of the economy and the deteriorating law and order in the Philippines in recent years, together with occasional earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, seem like an endless stream of natural disasters. So, at this moment in Manila, what exactly will be the situation?