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近年来,船东向海盗支付的赎金费用在连年增加。船方、货方、保险人等各方针对赎金的性质,保险人应当承担的损失和费用等方面有较大分歧。海盗赎金可以分为船货赎金、人员赎金、支付给中间人的其他赎金等三类。本文从中国保险条款(船舶险、货物险)和英国伦敦保险人协会的保险条款(国际船舶险和伦敦保险人协会货物险)的不同角度探讨了船方、货主等各方不同保险条款之下如何投保的问题,希望借此帮助投保人规避海盗风险所造成的巨额赎金损失。 In recent years, the cost of ransom paid by shipowners to pirates has been increasing year by year. The parties to the ship, the cargo, the insurer and others have great disagreements regarding the nature of the ransom, the losses and expenses the insurer should bear. Pirates of ransom can be divided into cargo ransom, ransom staff, paid to other middlemen three other types of ransom. This article discusses the different insurance clauses of the parties, such as the shipper and the shipper, from the different aspects of China’s insurance clauses (ship insurance, cargo insurance) and the insurance policy of the Association of London Insurers (International Ship Insurance and London Insurer Cargo Insurance) How to insure the issue, hoping to help the insured avoid the pirate risk caused by the huge loss of ransom.
日前,记者了解到,内蒙古自治区乌兰察布市察右中旗依托红萝卜产业被国家质检总局认定为地理标识产品、国家工商总局注册地理商标、农业部认定为a级绿色食品的品牌优势,面向京津地区,全力打造“冷凉蔬菜基地”。  一是实行规模化种植。形成了西起铁沙盖镇义发泉,东至乌素图镇大脑包,东西长33公里,宽5 公里的冷凉蔬菜种植长廊,全部配套了田、林、路、井,红萝卜种植面积达到0.53 万公顷,预计总产量达3 亿公斤,