Materials such as cement and composite active admixture were mixed in definite ratio to consolidate sewer sludge,which had been dried and smashed. Two kinds of solidified bodies were designed. A represented the solidified body whichhad not used any composite active admixture, and B represented the one which used composite active admixture as one of itscompositions. The results show that the compressive strength (28 d) of these solidified bodies can reach 30 MPa under thestandard maintain condition which could be used as subgrade material. The concentration of heavy metals in solidified bodywas far less than identification standard for hazardous wastes of China. Heavy metals were stabilized and solidified effectively.The organic matter in these solidified bodies of 56 d was 80 percent less than that in raw sludge. A large quantity of bacteriacould also be killed because of the basic condition in solidified body. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) test explained thereason that solidified body B showed better properties in all tests.