广西建材会计学会1992年年会暨广西建材财务工作会议于今年5月27日至29日在凭祥市召开,参加会议的有各会员单位财务人员,各地、市建材主管部门的财务人员,共136人。会议主要内容: 1、传达中国建材会计学会、广西会计学会有关会议精神,总结广西建材会计学会1991年的工作并布置1992年学会工作。 2、传达今年3月份召开的全国建材财务工作会议及4月份召开的全国建材行业经济调节工作会议精神,表彰全区建材系统财务先进工作者及先进集体,安排建材系统1992年财务工作。 3、讨论建材工业发展基金在收缴过程中所遇到的问题及对策。
The 1992 Annual Meeting of the Guangxi Building Materials Accounting Society and the Guangxi Building Material Finance Working Conference were held in Pingxiang City from May 27 to May 29 this year. The financial staff of each member unit and the finance personnel of the building materials administration departments of various regions and municipalities participated in the meeting. 136 people. The main contents of the meeting: 1. To convey the spirit of the meeting of the China Building Material Accounting Society and the Guangxi Accounting Society, summarize the work of the Guangxi Institute of Building Materials Accounting in 1991 and arrange the work of the Society in 1992. 2. To convey the spirit of the National Building Materials Finance Conference held in March of this year and the National Conference on Building Materials Industry Economic Reconciliation held in April, commending the financial advanced workers and advanced collectives of the building materials system in the region and arranging the 1992 financial work of the building materials system. 3. Discuss the problems and countermeasures encountered by the Development Fund for Building Materials Industry in the collection process.