Nutrient soil drought nursery seedlings is to cultivate rice seedling advanced nurturing methods, has been widely used in rice province. However, although some farmers use this method to raise seedlings, they still can not give birth to strong seedlings. According to the survey, one of the main reasons for not preparing nutritious soil is. Can be seen that the quality of nutrition soil is the key to cultivate dry seedlings. High quality nutrition soil should be “fat, black, sour, whole.” Fertilizer: Nutritional soil fertility level is high, organic matter content to reach 8-10%; Black: Nutrient soil color to black, black soil not only high fertility, but also to absorb more light features conducive to raising the bed temperature, Promote the early seedling quick hair; acid: nutrient soil pH to be acidic, pH value should be 5-5.5, help prevent the occurrence of blight seedling blight; All: Nutritional soil nutrients to the full, to cultivate strong seedling provide nutrients Guarantee.