With the increasing frequency of human social activity, the amount of data generated daily is also increasing exponentially. The recording medium of information has changed from the oldest carved stone to the current semiconductor carrier, which also pushes forward the progress of society. This also moves society into the big data era (BDE), in which all things can be data. BD has helped people make many breakthroughs in political decision?making, economic policy, and more, and thus affects the human knowledge system and way of life.[1] The choice is no longer dependent on subjective judgment using imagination, but a large digital network in series consisting of habitual movement, physical movement, consumption, or medical record. In the medical field, many public databases are funded by the govment and open to all researchers. BD for use in genomics, oncology, and proteomics provides resources and information that make healthcare and disease prevention more personalized and the digitalization of medicine unstoppable.[2] The convergence of digital and medical is inevitable, and the current changes have appeared to be a good start.