1956年,苏伊士运河掀起惊涛骇浪,以、法、英三国出兵埃及。联合国迅速派出6000名官兵组成的特种部队,前往中东监督入侵者的撤出。联合国第二任秘书长瑞典人哈马舍尔德出主意,将维和部队官兵戴的钢盔涂成蓝色,以与交战双方的作战部队相区别。从此,“蓝盔”威名远扬,并成为联合国维待和平部队与维持和平行动的代名词。 “蓝盔”在行动—在西撒哈拉大沙漠,在热带丛林柬埔寨,在硝烟尚未散尽的海湾战场,在纷争不息的戈兰高地,在风雨飘摇的波黑……都留下了“蓝
In 1956, the Suez Canal set off a stormy sea to France and the United Kingdom to dispatch troops to Egypt. The United Nations quickly dispatched a special force of 6,000 officers and men to the Middle East to monitor the withdrawal of the intruders. The second United Nations Secretary-General Hamasald, the Swede, came up with the idea of blue-wearing the helmets worn by the officers of the peacekeeping forces to distinguish them from the combat troops on both sides. Since then, the “Blue Helmets” have enjoyed a good reputation and have become synonymous with the United Nations peacekeeping forces and peacekeeping operations. “Blue Helmets” in action - in the western Sahara Desert, in tropical jungle Cambodia, in the Gulf battlefield where smoke has not yet been exhausted, in the volatile Golan Heights and in precarious Bosnia and Herzegovina ... all leave "Blue