患者韦××,男,20岁,学生。因皮肤瘙痒起皮疹3天,于1986年6月12日到本所就医,诊断为“过敏性皮炎”,给予抗组织胺药扑尔敏口服,维生素丁胶性钙肌肉注射治疗。当日下午4时,患者未服扑尔敏等药物,第一次注射维生素丁胶性钙2 ml。注射完拔针后,患者即感头晕、胸闷、便意感。当时考虑可能为饥饿或精神过度紧张等因素所引起的一般反应,只按一般晕针处理。但患者症状迅速加重,出现呼吸困难,大汗淋漓,四肢冰凉,嘴唇及指(趾)明显青紫,口唇起大疱疹,牙关紧闭、口吐白沫,脉搏细弱至触不到,心率120次/分,心
Wei × × patients, male, 20 years old, students. Due to skin itching rash 3 days, June 18, 1986 to the Exchange for medical treatment, diagnosed as “atopic dermatitis”, given antihistamine oral chlorpheniramine, vitamin butadiene calcium intramuscular injection therapy. 4 o’clock on the same day, the patient did not take chlorpheniramine and other drugs, the first injection of vitamin 2 butadiene calcium. After injection needle, the patient is feeling dizzy, chest tightness, meaning. Considering the general reaction that may be caused by such factors as hunger or over-stress, we should only deal with the usual fainting. However, the patient’s symptoms increased rapidly, with dyspnea, sweating, cold extremities, markedly bruising lips and fingers, herpes herpes from the lips, closed her teeth, foaming at the mouth and weak pulse to reach the heart rate of 120 / Min, heart