【摘 要】
Pedal to the metal,the trishaw driver seizes the last possible moment to take advantage of the traffic lights,veering a wide arc leftward in his eagerness to ma
【出 处】
The World of Chinese
Pedal to the metal,the trishaw driver seizes the last possible moment to take advantage of the traffic lights,veering a wide arc leftward in his eagerness to make it to the next stretch of road in time to nick a few seconds off his journey.He doesn’t count on the Honda saloon slamming its accelerator down with the same purpose;and the Honda doesn’t consider the car in front
Pedal to the metal, the trishaw driver seizes the last possible moment to take advantage of the traffic lights, veering a wide arc leftward in his eagerness to make it to the next stretch of road in time to nick a few seconds off his journey. He does not count on the Honda saloon slamming its accelerator down with the same purpose; and the Honda does not consider the car in front
目的 探讨超声引导细针抽吸活检对门静脉癌栓(PVTT)的鉴别诊断价值.方法对22例原发性肝细胞癌(HCC)伴发门静脉栓子(PVT)及8例肝硬化伴发PVT在超声引导下行细针穿刺抽吸活检,并对其中8例门静脉分支充满型栓子行18G自动组织切割活检.计算细针抽吸细胞学、组织学的阳性率并与自动活检阳性率进行比较.结果细针抽吸活检细胞学、组织学阳性率分别为 93.3%(28/30)和 90.0%(27/30)
1标准维护情况(1)CISPR 14-1 ed.5.2:稳定期至2016年,Ed.6.0项目在2015年完成了CIS/F/661/CDV的编制和投票工作,将进入FDIS阶段。(2)CISPR 14-2 Ed.2.0:于2015年2月发布新版
Zhang Chengxiang, male, born on March 18, 1955 in Hegang, Heilongjiang Province,
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