自20世纪80年代末泡沫经济破灭后,日本经济一直不景气。从1991年到2000年日本实际国内生产总值(GDP)年均增长率为1.38%,在发达国家大国中是最低的,因此,20世纪90年代被称为日本“失去的十年”。 今年以来,主要经济指标显示,日本经济仍处在“十字路口”、短期经济前景不容乐观。日本经济仍无起色表现在:投资不振、破产企业急剧增加,日本的完全失业率已从1990年的2.1%上升到现在的4.9%;占日本GDP60%以上的个人消费开支已连续8年下降,缺乏牵引经济强劲复苏的动力;财政形势继续恶化,政府债务恶性膨胀。日本国债占其GDP的已从1993
Japan’s economy has been sluggish since the bubble economy burst in the late 1980s. From 1991 to 2000, the average annual growth rate of Japan’s real gross domestic product (GDP) was 1.38%, the lowest among developed countries. Therefore, the 1990s saw Japan’s “lost decade.” Since the beginning of this year, the major economic indicators have shown that the Japanese economy is still at a “crossroads,” and the short-term economic outlook is not optimistic. Japan’s economy still shows no signs of improvement: the sluggish investment and the sharp rise in bankruptcies have led Japan’s total unemployment rate to rise from 2.1% in 1990 to 4.9% now; personal spending, which accounts for more than 60% of Japan’s GDP, has dropped for eight consecutive years, Lack of motivation to pull a strong economic recovery; the fiscal situation continues to deteriorate, malignant government debt expansion. Japanese government bonds account for its GDP from 1993