报告1例毛囊漏斗部肿瘤(tumor of the follicular infundibulum,TFI)。患者女,76岁。因右侧内眦下方丘疹2年余入院。患者约2年余前右侧内眦下出现一肤色丘疹,近2个月逐渐增大,颜色加深呈黑褐色,伴瘙痒。皮损组织病理检查:真皮浅层可见上皮样细胞构成的细胞团块,呈水平方向生长,与表皮及毛囊相连,周围细胞呈栅栏状排列。诊断:TFI。
One case of tumor of the follicular infundibulum (TFI) was reported. Female patient, 76 years old. Due to the right side of the lower eyelid papules more than 2 years admitted to hospital. About 2 years ago, the patient appeared on the right side of the infraorbital skin color papules, gradually increased in the past 2 months, the color deepened dark brown with pruritus. Skin lesions histopathological examination: epithelial superficial epithelial cells can be seen that the cell mass, horizontal growth, with the epidermis and hair follicles connected to the surrounding cells were arranged in a fence. Diagnosis: TFI.