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近年来,人口不足2000,地处偏远,一向资源贫乏的信丰县安西镇田垅畲族村,发生了翻天覆地的变化:村小学教学楼、村办公楼相继落成;6公里村级公路路面已经硬化;畲苑新村建设已动工;投资22.6万元的改水工程也已着手落实……田垅村已迈入县、镇先进村行列。谈起这些变化,村民们纷纷夸奖他们的贴心人——“江西省民族团结进步模范个人”、村党支部书记王桂英。田垅畲族村80%是畲族人。1999年3月,上任伊始的村党支部书记王桂英,面对农业生产单一、农民年人均纯收入不足1500元、村集体经济不足2000元的贫困状况,没有退缩,她走村串户,与村民共谋发展奔小康的路子。她大胆调整产业结构,顺应市场,引导农民发展西瓜种植。现在,全村年均种植西瓜900亩以上,年创产值160多万元。村里还出台了一系列优惠措施,鼓励村民开荒种植脐橙。近几年,通过租赁、承包等方式,全村利用荒山荒坡种植脐橙1000多亩。仅去 In recent years, with a population of less than 2000 and in a remote and often under-resourced state, Shetianjiao She Nationality Village in Anxi, Xinfeng County, has undergone tremendous changes: village teaching building and village office building have been completed one after another; the pavement of 6km village-level highway has been hardened; She Yuan Village construction has started; investment of 226,000 yuan of water diversion project has also been put into effect ... ... Tian 垅 village has entered the county, the town ranks of advanced villages. Talking about these changes, villagers have praised their close friends - “Jiangxi Province, national unity and progress model individual”, the village party branch secretary Wang Guiying. 80% of Tianlao She ethnic village is She nationality. In March 1999, Wang Guiying, party secretary of the village party office who took office at the beginning of her establishment, faced the poverty situation with a single agricultural production, a per capita net income of peasants of less than 1,500 yuan and a village collective economy of less than 2,000 yuan. Conspiracy to develop well-to-do way. She boldly adjust the industrial structure, conform to the market, and guide farmers to develop watermelon cultivation. Now, the village planted more than 900 acres of watermelon an average annual output value of more than 160 million. The village also introduced a series of preferential measures to encourage villagers to open barren planting orange. In recent years, through leasing, contracting, etc., the village uses barren hill slopes planting 1000 mu of navel orange. Only go
几年前我回故乡去,他不知从哪里得到消息,非约我到他家“坐坐”。  我与老马是在“文革”时结识的,那时他是“牛鬼蛇神”,其状可怜,我对他有过“援助”。  老马穿一身练功服,飘
本文介绍颗粒计数仪的原理,分析颗粒数与浊度的相关性,并探讨其在净水处理工艺中的应用。 This article introduces the principle of particle counting machine, analyzes