On the methods and strategies of constructing blended teaching mode in the teaching of basic English

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  Summary:The practice of English template knowledge flexibility, can promote students for foreign cultural etiquette, local characteristics of culture, knowledge and life knowledge of learning and progress, let students further experience English knowledge as well as the charm of foreign cultures. Not only that, to carry out mixed teaching mode, to encourage students to use English knowledge in real life, in order to train students to turn theoretical knowledge into practice, so that students can learn to use English knowledge, in order to help students learn and understand English knowledge, and then achieve English teaching and training of teaching purposes.
  Keywords:Flexibility; interest; Professionalism
  CLC number: H319                                              Document  cod:A                                              DOI:10.12296/j.2096-3475.2021.05.225
  To carry out mixed teaching in college English teaching is not only the mixing of teaching methods, but also the mixing of teaching ideas, so as to make teachers’teaching ideas more diversified, so as to promote the innovation and reform of English classroom. Therefore, teachers should, on the premise of in-depth understanding of English textbooks, combine online and offline resources, reasonably innovate English classroom teaching, improve their professional quality and professional competence, and deepen their understanding of English knowledge, let them start from the students, understand the students’psychological activities, train the students’English thinking, learning ability and cultural literacy, let the students get better training and development, in order to lay a solid foundation for students’future study and life.
  In order to arouse the initiative and enthusiasm of students in learning English, we should reasonably set up teaching courses in mixed teaching, expand students’foreign knowledge culture, cultivate students’interest in learning English, make students more willing to learn English and take the initiative to learn English, in order to improve students’basic knowledge of English, we urge them to complete the homework carefully according to the teacher’s teaching contents in the mixed teaching mode. Not only that, the use of foreign cultures, such as large European and American films, small towns and other local characteristics to guide students to learn English knowledge culture, so that students learn English with more passion and motivation, in order to promote the teaching of students and teachers, to create a good learning atmosphere, let students actively study English professional knowledge, so that students in the future for the country and society to make greater contributions.   In the mixed teaching mode of English major, we should not only pay attention to students’basic English knowledge, but also pay more attention to students’ability of learning knowledge, let students master English learning skills in English learning, such as how to quickly distinguish listening, how to make the word remember more firmly, so that students can use English knowledge in the actual teaching.
  As the saying goes, “master brought in the door, practice in the individual. “. This is especially true for English majors with blended instruction. How to give full play to the guiding role of college English teachers and let students follow the steps of teachers to study earnestly is a key issue to be considered in the mixed teaching model. According to the present situation of college English teaching, most English teaching is conducted by teachers in the classroom and mainly by students after class. This kind of teaching limits the cultivation of students’English thinking, it is disadvantageous to the cultivation of students’individual learning ability. Under the influence of this kind of teaching idea, many teachers continue this kind of teaching mode when they carry on the mixed teaching, so that the learning status of the students is not reflected, thus affecting the students’English learning. As a matter of fact, teachers in colleges and universities should cultivate their learning styles and skills so that students can have autonomous learning in the classroom in order to promote their English learning progress. Moreover, the design and maintenance of the online course system should be strengthened, and the system should be updated and adjusted according to the students’actual learning situation and requirements, so that the students can not only care about foreign news, but also learn English. At the same time, we should make sure that the content of online course is consistent with the content of textbook or expanded properly, so as to encourage students to explore English knowledge and foreign cultures. To enable students to achieve greater progress and development in the mixed teaching model.
  (Xi'an FanYi University, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710105)
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