在皖南腹地泾县生活了几十年,自以为最热爱也最了解泾县乃至皖南的山水,自从90年代以后接触了一批来泾小住的山水画家,方知道自己不过是个“夜郎”。 这批客人中给人印象最深的是洪凌,中央美院的青年教师,卓然有成的著名画家。他对皖南山水的了解像哲人般的透彻,对它的热爱又近乎宗教般的痴迷。 那一日偕他去游泾县名胜桃花潭,一派新绿如烟如雾,潭边景致说不出的清秀妩媚。登上一潭碧水边的怀仙阁时,有人说,要是能在这里摆上一桌酒菜,对景畅饮该有多美。他却连忙正色道:“不,这样淡雅清新的地方不宜饮酒,只宜品茶,清清淡淡的,细啜慢饮,悠悠地品味。”一言既出,众皆默然。
Jingnan County in southern hinterland life for decades, since I think the most love is also the most familiar Jingxian and even the landscape in southern Anhui, since the 1990s after a number of small came to Jing live landscape painter, side knew he was only a “Yelang” . The most impressive of these guests is Hong Ling, a young teacher at the Central Academy of Fine Arts and a well-known famous painter. His understanding of the landscape in southern Anhui as philosopher-like thorough, its love and almost religious obsession. That day he went to visit Jing County Peach Lake, a group of new green smoke such as fog, the Tan side of the scene can not tell the delicate and charming. When boarded a pool of clear water side of the immortal Xian, some people say that if it can be placed here on the table, how beautiful the King drink. He was hurriedly color: “No, so elegant and fresh place should not drink, only tea, a light, sip drink, leisurely taste.” In a word, the public are silent.