
来源 :中国药学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jdsheny
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作者根据东北地区甘草商品传統分級习慣,按不同生态环境和生长期定点采集了棒草、条草、毛草三类甘草,并用主产区同类商品做对照,前后共收集了样品18组。本文詳細比較了各类甘草的性状和构造,結果証实早春或秋后采收的砂崗棒草(根),有直径粗、皮色红、质致密、苦味弱、粉性大、纤维少、表面显横生皮孔等特征,横切面上有較大的木质部貯藏組織面积和較 According to the traditional grading habits of licorice products in Northeast China, the authors collected three types of licorice roots, grasses, and grasses according to different ecological environments and growing seasons, and compared them with similar products in the main producing areas. Collected samples before and after 18 groups. . This paper compares the traits and structures of various types of licorice in detail. The results confirmed that the sandgrass stems (roots) harvested in early spring or autumn are coarse in diameter, red in skin, dense in quality, weak in bitterness, large in powder, and less in fiber. Features such as transverse skin hole on the surface, large area of ​​xylem storage tissue on cross-section and comparison
双醋酚汀(Dlacetyl diphenyl isatin)是继酚酞后的一种新的合成缓泻剂,它的化学名二乙酰二酚吲哚醌,分子式为 C_(24)H_(19)O_5N;化学构造式如下: Dlacetyl diphenyl isatin