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地处北非的利比亚,大部分是海拔500米的高原,全境没有一条河流,百分之九十以上的地区是沙漠和半沙漠.因此,畜牧业在经济中占有重要的地位,该地饲养着大量的牛、羊、骆驼、火鸡等动物,肉类成为当地居民的主要食品.当地居民大多是阿拉伯人,其次是柏柏尔人. Located in Libya, North Africa, most of the 500-meter-high plateau, there is no river throughout the region, more than 90% of the desert and semi-desert .Therefore, animal husbandry occupies an important place in the economy, Large quantities of animals such as cows, sheep, camels, turkeys and meat have become the staple food for local residents, mostly Arabs, followed by Berbers.
“冬至”以后是一年中气温最低的时节,此时阳气深藏,寒邪极易伤肾阳,估计有80% “Winter solstice” is the year after the lowest temperature season, when deep yang,
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。浮雕@王广玉 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Relief @ Wang Guang
你一定知道,情绪饮食有很大的影响.精神愉快,胃口大增,有时还要来一二盅,,反之,愁肠直结、忧心忡忡,即使 You must know that the emotional diet has a great impact.Good
南康辣椒酱是江西省南康县的传统名食,具有色鲜油润、酱香味浓、甜辣醇香、经久耐藏等特点,是一种深受欢迎的大众化调味佳品.该产品于1936年荣获浙、赣、皖三 Nankang hot
莫将菽乳等闲尝,一片冰心六月凉.不曰坚乎惟曰白,胜他什锦佐羹汤. Mo will not eat milk, etc., a Bingxin June cool .Not only Jianzhi white, but he assorted Zuo soup
河南省新郑县是我国“枣花蜜”的集中产地之一.此地所产的枣花蜜质量特佳,年产蜜 Xinzheng County of Henan Province is one of the concentrated producing areas of Chi
果茶系由鲜山植、白糖、胡萝卜或番茄等加工而成的一种果肉型饮料.因其含有新鲜水果及蔬菜,而具有天然的原果风味,酸甜爽口,营养丰富,被誉为一代民族饮料. Fruit tea is a
绿波马蹄 主料:鲜马蹄(荸荠)250克。 辅料:鲜玉米150克,青菜叶20克,桑白皮6克,杏仁15克,白糖适量,冬瓜子30克,杏仁汁5克,水300克。 做法:1.马蹄去皮,洗净,用开水焯好备用。
阵阵秋风吹起,条条丝瓜缀满瓜架,此时正是丝瓜收获的季节,各种风味的丝瓜菜肴 Bursts of autumn wind blowing, strips of melon decorated with melons, this time is the
蒙乃东是北京市体工大队110公斤以上级的举重运动员,第五届全运会三项冠军的获得者.1981年,他在日本名古屋亚 Montaigne is the winner of the 110kg class weightlifter a