煤炭企业在冲击力强劲的市场中如何前进?龙口矿业集团有限责任公司通过体制改革,推进了产业结构优化升级,使主辅产业齐头并进,人才结构更趋于合理化,为企业做强做大,走上可持续发展之路奠定了坚固的基础,走出了一条独具特色的改革发展之路。 大刀阔斧的体制改革 龙矿人清醒的意识到要使企业走上可持续发展之路首先要做的就是使龙矿原有的工厂制管理模式被现代的、富有生机和活力的公司制管理模式所取代,为此他们进行了大刀阔斧的体制改革。 2003年3月30日,他们正式挂牌成立了山东龙口矿业集团有限公司。迈出了龙矿转变为公司制管理的第一步,实现了历史性转变。同时他们完善了公司法人治理结构、全面推进机制创新。构建了“一集团、三个专业化公司、三个控股子公司”的体制构架,建立了
How does the coal enterprise advance in the market with strong impact? Longkou Mining Group Co., Ltd. has promoted the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure through system reforms, making the main and auxiliary industries go hand in hand, rationalizing the talent structure, and making the company stronger and bigger. The road to sustainable development has laid a solid foundation and has taken a unique path of reform and development. Dramatic reform of the system Long Mine people are conscious that if they want to embark on a sustainable development path, the first thing they must do is to make Longyuan’s original factory management model a modern, dynamic and dynamic corporate governance model. Instead, they carried out drastic institutional reforms. On March 30, 2003, they formally established Shandong Longkou Mining Group Co., Ltd. It took the first step to transform Longlong into a corporate management system and achieved a historic transformation. At the same time, they improved the company’s corporate governance structure and comprehensively promoted institutional innovation. The system framework of “one group, three specialized companies, and three controlling subsidiaries” was established and established.