继GPS卫星定位技术在青藏铁路野牛沟至大滩段 18km的中线测量应用中取得成功后 ,铁道部第一勘测设计院兰州分院将在其承担的青藏铁路 483km长的路段定测过程中推广使用这一新技术。这是我国首次在工程勘测中运用GPS的动态功能。“GPS” ,即全球卫星定位系统。在实
Following the success of GPS satellite positioning technology in the midline survey application of 18km from Ye Niugou to Datitan section of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, the Lanzhou Branch of the First Survey and Design Institute of the Ministry of Railways will promote its use of the 483km long section of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway This new technology. This is the first time in our country the use of GPS in engineering survey dynamic features. “GPS”, the global satellite positioning system. In fact