
来源 :卫生职业教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangxu0202
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目的探讨基于QQ平台的ISAS教学法在中职儿科护理学中的应用及教学效果。方法随机抽取我校2014级护理专业4个班级的学生作为本次研究对象,设定1班、2班为实验组,3班、4班为对照组。对照组采用传统教学法,实验组采用基于QQ平台的ISAS教学法。课程结束采用自制问卷调查两组学生对教学效果的评价,并比较两组学生的理论及实训操作成绩。结果实验组学生理论及实训操作成绩明显高于对照组(P<0.05),实验组对本组教学法持肯定态度的人数多于对照组(P<0.05)。结论基于QQ平台的ISAS教学法能提高学生的团队合作能力、网络信息的利用和分析能力、交流沟通和演讲能力。 Objective To explore the application and teaching effect of ISAS pedagogy based on QQ platform in secondary pediatric nursing. Methods A total of 4 classes of Nursing 2014 nursing students in our school were randomly selected as the research object. One class and two classes were set as experimental group, and three classes and four classes as control group. The control group adopts the traditional teaching method, and the experimental group adopts the ISAS teaching method based on QQ platform. The end of the course using self-made questionnaire survey of two groups of students on the evaluation of teaching effectiveness, and comparison of the two groups of students theory and practical training performance. Results The scores of theory and practice in experimental group were significantly higher than those in control group (P <0.05). The experimental group had more affirmative attitudes toward the teaching method than the control group (P <0.05). Conclusion The ISAS teaching method based on QQ platform can improve students’ ability of team cooperation, utilization and analysis of network information, communication and presentation skills.
摘要:高低压成套开关设备现在已经被广泛的应用到电气设备中,可以完成电路保护、转换以及控制等要求,对维持电气系统高效运行具有重要意义。但是,就现状来看,其在实际应用中还存在一些不足,还需要对影响设备使用效率的各项因素进行优化,争取不断提升设备使用性能。  关键词:高低压;成套开关设备;优化设计  1、国内高低压成套开关设备发展现状  高低压成套开关设备以及与其相关联的控制设备,在电力输配电系统中发挥
分析病理学实验教学存在的问题,阐述虚拟实验室在病理学实验教学中的优势。 Analyze the existing problems in pathology experiment teaching and expound the advantage