【摘 要】
【机 构】
First, the field of barley field barley cultivation is Lingchuan County, Shanxi Province, agricultural extension workers to address the dry land in mountainous areas of winter wheat “can not use natural rainfall, heat resources, total crop does not increase” and reform a premature planting system. At present, the entire county has reached an area of more than 10,000 acres, accounting for 25% of the area planted with wheat. Its productivity and stability have been confirmed by production practices and have been called “droughts and floods double insurance fields” by farmers. Attached to the town of Zhuang Village is the county bar field to promote the demonstration site. The village 1372 acres of grain, winter wheat fields planted area of 450 acres, accounting for 30% of the total grain area, together with the spring
The interactions of a moving charge (namely, one additional dust particle) with a two-dimensional dusty plasma in gas discharge experiment are studied by means
内容摘要:本文关注MOOC时代的新闻传播教育,调查国内外各大MOOC平台上的新闻传播MOOC,分析其课程模式,指出MOOC时代新闻传播教育的改革应是大学为体,慕课为用。 关键词:MOOC(慕课) 新闻传播 教育 一.中外平台上的新闻传播类MOOC调查 截止2013年,全国共有1080所学校设置新闻传播类院、系、点,学科分布、师资分布不均使得“大规模开放式在线课程”(Massive Open
The Kapchinsky-Vladimirsky beam through an alteating-gradient quadrupole magnetic field is studied using the particle-core model. The beam halo-chaos is found,
We present a novel kind of pulsed laser named controllable passively Q-switched laser (CPQL). A CPQL of Nd:YVO4 with Cr:YAG as saturable absorber was demonstrat
We present new integral equations for the spin-weighted spheroidal wave functions which in tu should lead to global uniform estimates and should help in particu
内容摘要:苏联解体后掀起了后现代主义文学的思潮。尽管它受西方后现代主义影响,但更与俄罗斯文学传统密切相连。本文从后现代主义文学的发生、本质特征及同经典文学传统的关系方面揭示俄罗斯后现代主义文学浪潮的兴起和嬗变。 关健词:后现代主义 文学传统 传承 20世纪50年代后,苏俄文学经历了解冻、停滞和改革阶段,文学基本仍以社会主义现实主义为主流。而一些作家吸收了西方后现代美学理论后,开始用后现代艺术手