近日,中央印发了新修订的《中国共产党纪律处分条例》 (以下简称《条例》),并决定从今年10月1日起施行.而上一次修订《条例》是2015年10月.相隔不到三年时间,为何在这么短的
Optical rectification (OR) effect in the isotropic thin film consisting of chiral molecules with a tripod-like structure is investigated.The expressions of stat
中国有句俗语,叫“不干不净,吃了没病”。在我很小的时候,爷爷会把掉在地上的花生米捡起来,吹一吹或用手搓搓外皮,然后接着吃。我那学医的爸爸也是这样,搞食品安全的我还是这样,现在我的女儿好像也学会了。 的确,日常生活中过分强调干净、无菌,对健康并没有好处,比如会增加儿童患过敏症的可能性。不过,吃进嘴的东西太不卫生也不好。你可能听说过“5秒原则”,即食物掉在地上的时间如果小于5秒就可以吃,因为细菌需要
Gold nanorods with different aspect ratios are prepared in micelis using a seeded growth method.Their extinction spectra are observed with an UV-visible spectro
We synthesize and purify 9, 9-bianthracene with the purity up to 96.4%.The electronic and crystallographic structures of 9, 9-bianthracene are studied. The resu
In the (qq) quark model, the states π2(1670) and η2(1645) are assigned as the 11D2 meson nonet. The partner of state η2 (1645) needs further confirmation in
We investigate the Landau damping of collective modes in an anisotropic Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC). Based on divergence-free analytical solutions for the gr
We study the constraint on deceleration parameter q from the recent SNeIa Gold dataset and observational Hubble data by using a model-independent deceleration p
We propose and theoretically analyse a double magnetic tunnel device that takes advantages of the spin filter effect. Two magnetic tunnel barriers are formed by