
来源 :中国校园文学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Liujiajia0801
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人世间很多事,越是发展越容易迷失。清醒的人总会不断自问每件事的原始定位,警惕自我迷失。写作这件事,是写作人与读者的心理沟通,素昧平生的读者有一些心理底线,这也就决定了写作人的心理底线。我们应该多想想这些心理底线,以便找到一个立足点。没有立足点,做出来的姿势再美丽也要闹笑话。一、你与读者未曾签约读者没有义务要去兴致勃勃地读哪一位作家的作品。这一点,初学写作的人大多明白, A lot of things in the world, the more developed more easily lost. Sober people always ask themselves the original positioning of everything, beware of self-lost. Writing this matter, is the psychological communication between writing and readers, ignorant of life readers have some psychological bottom line, which also determines the writer’s psychological bottom line. We should think more of these psychological bottom line in order to find a foothold. There is no foothold, beautiful posture to make joke again. First, readers and you have not signed Readers are not obliged to go enthusiastically to write a writer’s work. At this point, most people who begin to understand writing understand that,