Effect of Temperature and Ram Speed on Isothermal Extrusion for Large-size Tube with Piece-wing

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong465
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Heat energy change during the extrusion of 7075 aluminium alloy large-size tube with piece-wing in a container was analyzed. Extrusion load vs ram displacement diagrams and exit temperature vs ram displacement diagrams at various speeds were obtained by 3D FEM simulation. Results show that the exit temperature becomes higher as the ram speed and displacement increase. For large-size tube with piece-wing, there is certainly a curve of ram speed decreasing with increasing ram displacement, which enables isothermal extrusion to be achieved. Therefore, an attempt was made to divide the working stroke into five different zones. Each of them has a preset speed that decreases from the ram displacement beginning to the ending. And then, new exit temperature vs ram displacement diagram was obtained by 3D FEM simulation for the five different speeds. It is shown that the variation of exit temperature is very small. Through the above research, a basic method for realizing isothermal extrusion of 7075 large-size tube with piece-wing was obtained, that is, the working stroke was divided into several different zones with a decreasing speed during extrusion, each zones’ speed was real-time adjusted on the feedback signal of exit temperature by proportional hydraulic valve through closed-loop control. The engineering experiment verification was carried out on 100 MN aluminium extrusion press with oil-driven double action. The experimental results of the exit temperature agrees with the simulation ones. The achievements of this study may serve as a significant guide to the practice of the relevant processes, particularly for isothermal extrusion. The verified method has been used in the design and manufacture of 125 MN aluminium extrusion press with oil-driven double action. Heat energy change during the extrusion of 7075 aluminum alloy large-size tube with piece-wing in a container was analyzed. Extrusion load vs ram displacement diagrams and exit temperature vs ram displacement diagrams at various speeds were obtained by 3D FEM simulation. Results show that the exit temperature becomes higher as the ram speed and displacement increase. For large-size tube with piece-wing, there is certainly a curve of ram speed decreasing with increasing ram displacement, which enables isothermal extrusion to be achieved. Therefore, an attempt was made to divide the working stroke into five different zones. Each of them has a preset speed that decreases from the ram displacement beginning to the ending. And then, new exit temperature vs ram displacement diagram was obtained by 3D FEM simulation for the five different speeds It is shown that the variation of exit temperature is very small. Through the above research, a basic method for realizing isothermal extrusion of 7075 large-size tube with piece-wing was obtained, that is, the working stroke was divided into several different zones with a decreasing speed during extrusion, each zones’ speed was real-time adjusted on the feedback signal of exit temperature by proportional hydraulic The engineering result verification was carried out on 100 MN aluminum extrusion press with oil-driven double action. The experimental results of the exit temperature agrees with the simulation ones. The achievements of this study may serve as a significant guide to the practice of the relevant processes, particularly for isothermal extrusion. The verified method has been used in the design and manufacture of 125 MN aluminum extrusion press with oil-driven double action.
摘 要:于2013年进行了双季晚稻3代二化螟田间药效试验。结果表明,6%宝剑、10%稻騰、20%康宽、20%万金油对双季晚稻3代二化螟的防效较高,而且持效期长,药后25d对二化螟的枯心白穗率均在76.2%以上,并且对稻纵卷叶螟有较好的兼治效果,池州市贵池区在生产上可重点推广。  关键词:药剂;晚稻;二化螟  中图分类号 S435.112 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1007-7731(2014)05
山区农业生产实行联产承包责任制后,基本农田建设怎么搞?这是值得研究的问题,兴县固贤公社发动群众大搞基本农田建设上摸索了一些经验,取得了显著效果。 (一) 自一九六八年
十多年前,我是一名航空公司的飞行签派员,职责是放行飞机 。那天我上早班,从5点多就开始做航前准备工作,为每一架早班飞机准备文件 。在检查航行气象情报的时候,我发现四川的一处机场没有发来当地天气报告 。  6点,早班飞机已经开始启动引擎了,天气报告还是没有发来。我忙着放行飞机和临时调整航班,就把这个异常情况移交给我的副班,请他去查明情况,如果没有拿到准确的降落机场天气报告,我这里因为缺少相关文件,就