《无损检测》1999年第 12期中“同一普通模拟超声仪上使用不同K值探头探伤的尝试[1] ”介绍了换用不同K值探头如何进行探伤。该法仅适用于时基线按水平调节的情况 ,在实际工作中 ,有时会要求选择数种不同角度的探头配合使用 ,这时如在同一面板上作DAC曲线则在探伤时易互相
“Nondestructive testing” 1999 the twelfth period “the same ordinary analogue ultrasonic probe using different K value of the test [1]” describes the use of different K value probe how to carry out testing. This method only applies when the time base line is adjusted horizontally. In actual work, sometimes it is required to select several kinds of probes with different angles to be used together. In this case, if the DAC curve is made on the same panel,