1.小地老虎 ①人工捕捉。每天早晨或阴天到田间扒开被害株表土(2~5厘米)捉杀幼虫。②灌根。用5%辛硫磷800~1000倍,将喷雾器去掉雾化喷头,使烟液顺茎秆流下。③毒饵诱杀。用敌百虫(10%液)喷在鲜
1 small tiger ① manual capture. Every morning or cloudy to the field Pa Zhanshu off the topsoil (2 to 5 cm) to kill larvae. ② irrigation root. With 5% phoxim 800 ~ 1000 times, remove the atomizer nozzle sprayer, so that the liquid smoke stem flow down. ③ poison bait to kill. With trichlorfon (10% liquid) Spray fresh