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出版社:后浪︱江西人民出版社希望投资人资助你开展一个特别项目,应该怎样写一封具有说服力的电子邮件?准备申请大学,如何才能写出一篇引人注目的自我陈述?无论科技多么进步,即时通讯变得多么快速便捷,用文字进行交流和表达永远是现代人必须掌握的技能。但不可否认的是,很多人在摊平稿纸、打开电脑准备“写作”的时候,却常常感到思维混乱,不知从何开始。这本《完全写作指南》告诉我们,只要思路清晰、流程 Publisher: Wave Lang | Jiangxi People’s Publishing House Hope investors will sponsor you to carry out a special project. How to write a persuasive e-mail? How to write a compelling essay for university application? No matter technology How much progress, instant messaging has become so fast and convenient, use of words to communicate and express will always be the skills of modern people. However, it is undeniable that many people often feel confused when they flatten the manuscript and turn on the computer to prepare for “writing.” I do not know where to start. This “complete writing guide” tells us that as long as the thinking is clear, the process