一年中的三个长假,给平日里忙碌着的人们一个难得的休息机会。但长假安排不妥往往也会出现一些问题,比如:长时间地看电视、打牌;熬夜狂欢、喝酒;长途开车身心疲惫;饮食缺乏节制或者三餐不规律等等。让原本应该享受亲情和友谊,用来休闲娱乐、旅游探访的假期,充满了过度的忙碌和应酬,导致假期过后身心疲惫,难以恢复到正常的工作状态。 假期症候群与平时积累的压力密切相关,很可能是日常压力的一种变相发作。不是有那么一种说法吗——疯狂地工作,疯狂地
Three long holidays in the year give a rare break for those who are busy on weekdays. However, some problems often arise in the long-holiday arrangements, such as: watching TV for a long time, playing cards, staying up late for carnival, drinking alcohol, exhaustion of long distance driving, lack of diet or irregular meals, and so on. Let the original should enjoy the affection and friendship, for leisure and entertainment, travel visits to the holiday, full of excessive busy and social, leading to physical and mental fatigue after the holiday, it is difficult to return to normal working conditions. Holiday syndrome and peacetime accumulation of pressure is closely related, it is likely to be a daily pressure in a disguised attack. Is not there a saying? Crazy to work crazy