学制不同阶段体育课程的方案设计之一 体育课程与身体发展

来源 :中国学校体育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhongxinghai
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身体健康、心理健康与社会适应是新课程标准提出的发展领域。在1979年扬州会议提出“学校体育以增强体质为主”的指导思想以后,人们比较关注的是体育课程通过科学干预来实现学生的身体发展。2001年新课程标准颁布后,人们又比较关注体育课程中的心理健康和社会适应,特别是通过人文关怀来实现学生的心理健康与社会适应。实际上,不同的历史时期人们的关注重点不同是可以 Physical health, mental health and social adaptation are the areas of development proposed by the new curriculum standards. After the Yangzhou Conference put forward the guiding ideology of “school physical education to enhance physical fitness” in 1979, people pay more attention to physical education through physical intervention to achieve the physical development of students. After the promulgation of the new curriculum standard in 2001, people pay more attention to the mental health and social adaptation in physical education curriculum, especially through the humane care to achieve the students’ mental health and social adaptation. In fact, people in different historical periods have different focuses of attention
第3届多尺度结构与系统国际会议(3rd International Conference on Multi-scale Structures and Systems,简称Multiscale-2010,http://www.multiscalesci.org)于2010年6月12~1
水滑石以其独特的碱催化性能~[1,2]、记忆效应及阴离子交换~[3]等特性引起人们的关注,其合成多用水热法.本文研究了在微波场中水滑石的合成及制备,得到了较好的结果. 1 实验
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本文通过对反康普顿效应的光量子诠释与电磁波诠释的分析比较,找到了光的波粒二象性判据——Eβ》e,从而使光的波粒二象性由定性描述跨入定量阶段. In this paper, by analy