我们于1989年5月~9月对微山湖地区的吸血蠓进行了调查。结果报告如下: 一、调查方法调查点分别设在微山岛、夏镇城区和欢城湖滨地区。白天以帐诱法(每次15min)、网捕法(每次5min)和通宵灯诱(每h收集1次标本)进行定点定时调查。每次采集标本时均测定气温、相对湿度和风速等。
We investigated the bloodsucking in Weishanhu from May to September 1989. The results are reported as follows: I. Survey Methods Survey points are located in Weishan Island, Xiazhen City and Huancheng Lakeshore. During the day by account induced law (each 15min), net catching method (each 5min) and overnight light lure (collected samples per h) for fixed-point scheduled investigations. Each time the specimens were measured when the temperature, relative humidity and wind speed and so on.