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日前,新疆生产建设兵团首个国家5A级景区白沙湖景区正式揭牌。与敦煌“月牙泉”一样,白沙湖也是沙漠之湖。它位于新疆生产建设兵团第十师一八五团境内,属阿勒泰地区。四面环沙,有“沙漠圣泉”之称,无进出水口,但湖水却不因季节变迁而增多或减少。其核心景区南北长约2100米,东西宽1300米。白沙湖景区除拥有鸣沙山、眼睛山、白桦林、红 Recently, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, the first national 5A scenic Baishahu scenic officially opened. Like Dunhuang and Crescent Moon Spring, White Sand Lake is also a desert lake. It is located in the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, the first division of the 185th Mission territory, is Altay region. Surrounded by sand, “Desert Holy Spring ” said, no water inlet and outlet, but the lake does not increase or decrease due to seasonal changes. The core area of ​​about 2100 meters long from north to south, east-west width of 1300 meters. White Sands Lake area except with Mingsha, eyes, birch forest, red
澳洲地广人稀,时时令人觉得孤单烦闷,在悉尼城区倒是可以体会到国内的热闹,走在唐人街附近,听见各式中国口音,仿佛立刻回到中国。  悉尼的商机变迁  悉尼的房价,特别是城区的房价在过去10年如过山车一样上涨,豪宅价格翻番,甚至还因买房牵扯出无数家庭恩怨。如今的房价虽然依然上扬,但已经少了之前的惊心动魄,特别是住宅的上涨幅度已不及商铺,尤其是城区旺铺的涨幅,10年前有魄力、有眼光买下铺面的商人基本可以靠