一、三星的历史之路回顾三星60多年的发展历程,它在逆境中顽强拼搏,不懈进取的精神;在顺境中果断放弃绩优业务,追寻高增长产业的决策,不能不令人叹服。 1933年,三星前任董事长李秉哲从日本休学回国贩运精米,1938年成立了三星商会,开始做水产、蔬菜和水果贸易,出口到日
First, the history of Samsung Road Review Samsung 60 years of development, its tenacious indomitable struggle, the spirit of relentless progress; good times in order to give up business excellence, the pursuit of high-growth industry's decision-making, we can not but astonishing. In 1933, Li Bingzhe, the former chairman of Samsung, returned from Japan to study trafficking of polished rice. In 1938, he established the Samsung Chamber of Commerce and started to trade in aquatic products, vegetables and fruits and exported to Japan