自序《对生长于美国的华人的一项研究》(英文书名为“A Study of American Born andAmerican Reared Chinese in Los Angeles”)是我在南加州大学社会学系学习时根据对出生和成长于美国的洛杉矶华人所做的访谈取得的资料写成的。本世纪二十年代末期,中国大地战祸与灾荒连绵不断,民贫国弱,国家正处在被帝国主义列强侵略与瓜分的危亡之际。在当时所接触的知识中,我觉得社会学有经世济用的功效,决意出国学习社会学,以求学成能报效自己的祖国和人民。在洛杉矶求学期间,与当地华人
An Introduction to a Study of American Born and American Reared Chinese in Los Angeles, “A Study of Chinese Americans Growing in the United States” was based on my study of the birth and growth of the United States Written by Los Angeles Chinese made interviews. In the late 1920s, the war on earth and the famine in China were unbroken. The country was poor and poor. The country was in danger of being attacked and divided by the imperialist powers. Among the knowledge I was exposed at that time, I think that sociology has the power of economic use and is determined to go abroad to study sociology in order to learn to serve its motherland and its people. During her study in Los Angeles, she worked with local Chinese