美国夏腊梅(Calycanthus floridus)是北京植物园新近从国外引进的优良庭园观赏植物,为腊梅科夏腊梅属落叶灌木,株高1—3米,枝条开展,叶对生、卵圆形,叶面具光泽,花期4—5月,单花顶生,花朵红褐色,具甜香味;果期9—10月,瘦果黄褐色。
The United States Calycanthus floridus (Calycanthus floridus) is the Beijing Botanic Garden recently introduced from abroad a fine garden ornamental plants, Laceceae Chamomile is a deciduous shrub, plant height of 1-3 meters, branches, leaves opposite, oval, leaf shine , Flowering from April to May, single flower terminal, flowers reddish-brown, with sweet scent; fruit from September to October, achenes brown.