我国地域辽阔,动植物品种繁多,同一名称中药可能有多个品种来源,各药在药性、功用等方面除有些类似之外,还各有其自身特色,因此临床应区别使用。兹以《中华人民共和国药典》为依据,结合临床用药情况,对几种易混淆中药的来源、性状鉴别及区别应用分别进行阐述,以确保临床用药的安全有效。1牛膝与川牛膝1.1来源区别牛膝为苋科植物牛膝Achyranthesbidentata BJ.的根。主产于河南武陟、沁阳等
China has a vast territory and a wide variety of plants and animals. There may be more than one source of variety of traditional Chinese medicines of the same name. Apart from similarities in the medicinal properties and functions, each of these medicines also has its own characteristics. Therefore, it should be used differentially in clinical practice. Based on the “Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China”, combined with the clinical use of drugs, the sources, traits and differential applications of several kinds of confusing traditional Chinese medicines are elaborated respectively to ensure the safety and effectiveness of clinical medication. 1 Achyranthes and Achyranthes bidentata 1.1 Source difference Achyranthes is the root of Amaranthus plant Achyranthes Bidentata BJ. Mainly produced in Henan Wu Tuo, Qinyang and so on